The aim is to motivate and rally the student in his/her orientation ideas : bring objective information on his/her personality, capacities and motivations. This essential information is the basis of a solid and coherent pre-project.

The 3 hour assessment will allow the young person’s research to be more coherent as the educational guidance best suited to his/her cognitive profile is presented.


Our approach


documents you supply

The 3 hour assessment will allow the young person’s research to be centered on his/her aptitudes, competency and cognitive profile.

The assessment will increase in precision if the young person brings a personal assessment of his/her interests, a list of subjects he/she finds easy, a list of subjects that interest him/her, a written history of firs learnings (walking, talking, reading, writing etc.) and a genogramme (starting with grand-parents do a family tree with everybody’s line of work).